
Thursday, 18 March 2010

Milk Cartons.Mooooo!!

Unaccustomed as I am..... I've done a little tutorial for these milk cartons because although there is one on SCS. it's a bit more complicated.

Take a piece of card 6"x83/4" .Score it at 2", 4", 6", 8".

Turn it the other way and score at 1" and 4". Fold all score lines and crease well with a bone folder then cut between creases at bottom edge (you can just about see in pic).This is the best time to decorate your box while it's still flat. Join down the side seem with DST.  EDIT. my original post said 2" and 4" .Oops that was wrong apologies to anyone who tried to make one with those measurements.

Fold the bottom flaps up and adhere with DST or glue (not sellotape please!)

Use both hands at once to do this(,unless there's a camera in the other one) push the sides in whilst closing the top together. Try and keep it central and press the box downwards slightly to create the carton shape.
Always practice on cheap card first.

Sweet or what??? I got the little paperclips at Wilkinson's, can't remember how much but very cheap, chocs are Tesco £1 for a net.
                     Thanks for looking, now go and get making!!    Di. xxx


  1. Oh wow these are great, thanks for the fab tutorial. Don't have time at the mo to have a play as I have a few commissions to finish but as soon as I will be having a go. Thank you for taking the time to show us. Have a great day, take care Ann-Marie xxx

  2. Gorgeous boxes, I think I may have to have a go at these for small easter pressies filled with chocolates! Thanks for sharing and putting together a great tutorial. Lynsey xx

  3. oh wow these are how you`ve shown us how to make them i need to invest in a score coops.xx

  4. Great idea thanks for sharing,will maybe do a couple of these for my Grandsons for

  5. Your tutorials are so fab xx Jenny xx

  6. Great boxes and lots of lovely cards (and things) on your blog, thanks. I've become a follower,
    Lynn x

  7. Wow these are gorgeous hun. I DOn't have a scoreboard but have made a little template on my comp and am using that. I really need to get myself a decent scoreboard.


  8. Thanks. I've just made one and am gonna make a couple more for easter gifts. I don't have a score board either, so had to measure everything and score by hand.
    Thanks, Rachel xx

  9. Wonderful creations! I love them. Thanks for the Tut. Will definitely be having a go at some myself!

  10. Ooooooo I love these ... I shall have a go. Thank you for a brilliant tutorial.

  11. Great tutorial, thanks for sharing.

    Alex x

  12. These are great,saw them on A load of old Pickle's blog that linked me back to you! Your blog is just great all the sort of info I like to get,I'm good at finding bargains but would never have thought about blogging about it,only use word of mouth. From now on I shall take a leaf out of your book.Will pop back for a visit soon,Julie x


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