
Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Stick 'em up!!

Hello everyone.I'm on my day off today so i've been playing.I bought some post it notes from Tesco for 24p each a few weeks ago and they've been lying in my drawer 'til today.They were easy to make but working out the measurements was a bit tricky because my cutter is metric but my scorepal is in inches.The piece of card is 8cm x 20cm and i scored it at 1" then one and a half inches then four and a half inches then 5".Fold along the scorelines and glue the notepad to the inside back.I got the self adhesive velcro pads from Aldi ages ago but i'm sure iv'e seen them since.I got the little pens at WHS in the bargain bit a while ago. In future if i pick up a bargain i'll post it on here striaght away. Thanks for visiting. Di. xx


  1. These look great, really nice idea :)
    love the image x

  2. Thanks for becoming a follower Di, really appreciate it. I was wondering if you could possibly give me a little advise on how you link things to your blog - like the flower tutorial - which is brill by the way. Hope you don't mind me asking. Your blog is looking great.
    Thanks Gay x

  3. These are brill Di, might pinch this idea for another girls' brigade craft. Carol

  4. They are so cute! They will make fab little gifts!

  5. These are great. I love your little tutorials, as you are giving me loads of inspiration for little "stocking filler" gifts at Christmas

  6. Hi Di! Thanks for posting all these little tutorials! They're fab! I've just made two post-it holder thingys and two milk cartons and will post to my blog probably over the weekend. I will be sure to add a link to this blog when I do! Thanks again, what a lovely blog - I love coming on here!! Emma xx

  7. Thanks for sharing your Post-It Note instructions, these look great.

    Alex x

  8. more fabulous gift ideas Diane


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