
Monday, 19 July 2010

I'm back and Speedy's a grandad.

Sorry i'm late today. I went with Speedy for his renal check up and they've cranked up his lowish potassium allowance to extra low so i've been searching for recipes on t'internet all afternoon, there's potassium in nearly everything, plus they want him to lose a bit of weight. But enough of that for now. Speedy's grandson Michael was born at the same hospital while we were with the dietitian. He weighed in at a stonking 10lb 2 oz but is in an incubator for a day or so as he's having difficulties with his breathing. He was 2 weeks overdue and had to be induced. We are all really worried but apparently it's not an uncommon thing to happen and hopefully he'll be fine in a couple of days.
    Apart from this we had a really good weekend. We stayed at Letchworth Hall hotel in Letchworth in Hertfordshire.
This is the front of the hotel.
This is the "backyard".
And this is the lounge. Yep there's Speedy checking his phone for any missed calls,lol.We had a day out in ST Albans on saturday, what a lovely place. There was a big outdoor market with loads of fresh fruit and veg stalls. They all had big clear plastic bowls with fruit or veg in and they where all £1 each. We have nothing like that in Chester, ok there's an indoor market of sorts but no outdoor one despite having plenty of space outside. On the way down we drove through Luton. It is mainly inhabited by ethnic people. You can imagine the comments from the older people on the coach but i thought it was i sight to behold. Every other shop (well, nearly) had beautiful sari's or sari materials in their windows in gorgeous colours and in between these shops were loads of greengrocers with huge displays on the pavements. There was a Morrison's in town and i wondered how these small shops survived but it's probably only the English who go there for their ready meals and frozen stuff. And the women put us to shame in their beautiful sari's, not a pair of jeans or trainers in sight.
Well that's all from me for tonight, off to stir the chilli with no kidney beans and hardly any mushrooms and onions lol. He'd best not complain or he'll be wearing it!


  1. glad you had a fab time,congrats to speedy,x

  2. great pics di, looks very oppulent.welcome to the world baby michael.great to see you back di.
    xx coops xx


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